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Introductory Plant Virology
PLNTPTH 5020 Plant virus structures, genome organizations and replication strategies. Symptoms and diagnosis of virus diseases of plants. Video-linked to Wooster. Prereq: 3001 and 3002, or 6001 (401), and at least one course taken in Biochem, MolBioc, Mol ...
General Plant Pathology Lab
PLNTPTH 3002 The lab portion of general plant pathology. Lab work will include experiments involving fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes and parasitic higher plants. Video-linked to Wooster. Au Sem. Prereq: Biology 1101 (101), 1113 (113), 1115H (115H), or ...
Contemporary Issues: Pesticides, Genetic Engineering, and the Environment
PLNTPTH 4597 Contemporary, cultural, and social issues related to pesticide use, genetic engineering and sustainable plant management. Au, Sp Sems. Prereq: Jr or Sr standing. Not open to students with credit for 597. GE cross-disciplinary seminar course. ...
PLNTPTH 5010 Taxonomy, molecular biology, physiology, and ecology of plant-associated bacteria that interact with plants, especially those that cause disease and affect plant health. Video-linked to Wooster. Prereq: 3001 and 3002, or 6001 (401), or permis ...
Exploring Plant Pathology
PLNTPTH 1100 Basic understanding of the global trends within plant pathology, the diversity of career opportunities within the industry, planning for a career and opportunities for professional development. Undergraduate 0.5 Autumn 2023 In Person Columbus ...
Internship Experiences in Plant Health Management
PLNTPTH 4191 Individualized experiential learning opportunity designed to link theoretical classroom knowledge with practical application. Prereq: 3001 and 3002, and permission of instructor. Prereq or concur: FAES 3191. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hr ...
Honors Research with Distinction
PLNTPTH 4999H Conducting and reporting Research with Distinction Honors. Students are expected to present at the CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum and the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. Prereq: Honors Standing, and FAES 4590.01H, and CPHR 3.4 or ab ...
Plant Nematology
PLNTPTH 5030 Introduction to plant-parasitic nematodes, with emphasis on identification, epidemiology and host interactions. Video-linked to Wooster. Prereq: 3001 and 3002, or 6001 (401), or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 6 ...
Undergraduate Research
PLNTPTH 4998 Conducting research. Prereq: CPHR 3.0 or above, and GPA 3.0 or above in major, and permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs or 6 completions. This course is graded S/U. Undergraduate variable Summer 2023 Autumn 2023 Sprin ...
Gustavo Garay
Gustavo Garay 44th Annual Assembly presentation in SOPCA (Society of Puerto Rican Agriculture Science) (11/2021) " Lasmenia spp. a pathogenic fungus on leaves and fruits of Magnifera indica" organized by the SOPCA administration. Poster. Michig ...