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Search results

  1. Animal Sciences Graduate Student Orientation

    212 Animal Science Building ...

  2. Ohio Sheep and Wool Program and Ohio Sheep Improvement Association promotes a Growing Sheep Industry

    The Ohio Sheep and Wool Program and the Ohio Sheep Improvement Association will be providing funding to the Ohio Shropshire Breeders Association and the Ohio Cheviot Breeders Association in 2014 for their starter flock programs. ...

  3. Faculty and Student Mixer

    RSVP by August 31. ...

  4. Knapp and Weiss have "Featured Article" in Journal of Dairy Science

    Dr. Joanne Knapp, adjunct faculty member, and Dr. Bill Weiss, professor, are among the authors on an article in the June 2014 issue of Journal of Dairy Science, which is the "Featured Article" of the month. ...

  5. Junior Leadership Meeting


  6. Field Day

    Registration begins at 9:30 am, Lunch will be served at 12:00 pm. RSVP to: OSU Extension 740-474-7534 Where: Estadt Angus Farm- Near Derby Ohio. Located One mile south of the intersection of London Rd and US Route 62, near Rennick Rd. Event entrance will ...

  7. 2014 Ohio State Fair- Guys & Gals Sheep Lead Contest

    This contest is open to all guys and gals who have an interest in sheep or wool fashion. ...

  8. In search of the 2014-15 Ohio Lamb and Wool Queen…

    The Ohio Lamb and Wool Queen serves as a spokesperson for the industry throughout her year of reign at numerous promotional events and activities around the state. ...

  9. Fourth Annual Ohio State Fair Commercial Pen of 5 Market Lamb Show

    Read about purpose, rules, procedures, and awards... ...

  10. Klingenberg Receives CAB Scholarship

    Kristy Klingberg was selected for a 2014 Undergraduate Colvin Scholarship Award. ...
