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  1. Friends of Scioto Brush Creek, Inc

    Scioto Brush Creek PO Box 157, Otway, OH 45657 740-493-3062 ...

  2. Fluoride

    GENERAL INFORMATION Some fluoride compounds, such as sodium fluoride, calcium fluoride, and fluorosilicates, dissolve easily into ground water as it moves through gaps and pore spaces between rocks. Most water supplies contain some naturally occurring flu ...

  3. Dalapon

    GENERAL INFORMATION Dalapon is a colorless liquid with an acrid odor sold as sodium or magnesium salt. Dalapon is an herbicide used to control grasses in a wide variety of crops, including fruit trees, beans, coffee, corn, cotton and peas. It is also regi ...

  4. Chlorite

    GENERAL INFORMATION Chlorite occurs when chlorine dioxide breaks down. HEALTH EFFECTS Some infants and young children who drink water containing chlorite in excess of the MCL could experience nervous system effects. Similar effects may occur in fetuses of ...

  5. Watershed Management

    As you can see from our short tour, a watershed is about much more than just a river or lake. To know a watershed you must become familiar with all the components of the system that contribute to the ecology of a water resource, from the headwaters to the ...

  6. The Wetlands

    Wetlands come in many shapes and sizes, but, generally, when we talk about wetlands we're talking about a very shallow pond or lake. So shallow, in fact, that much of the vegetation in the wetland emerges from the surface of the water. The water leve ...

  7. The Lake

    Often times, a stream or creek will flow into a lake. There are three major kinds of "lakes"- lakes, ponds, and reservoirs. Generally, a pond is a body of water no larger than about ten acres in size, whereas a lake can be several hundred or tho ...

  8. Middle Reaches

    Moving farther downstream, you can see that many of the smaller headwater streams have come together, forming a wider, slower moving creek. Over time, the creek has cut into the banks, forming a more permanent streambed. Notice that the terrain here is le ...

  9. Headwaters

    Here you will notice that we are at the highest point in the watershed where the water that falls on the land as precipitation begins its journey down the valley. Headwater streams are many, but they are also the smallest streams in the watershed- some on ...

  10. Resources

    How Well Do You Know Your Water Well Ground Water in Ohio Fact Sheet Ground Water- Major Aquifers and Associated Water Quality Recommendations for Water Well Sampling Before Oil and Gas Drilling (pdf) Helpful Links National Ground Water Association http:/ ...
