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  1. Book Talk | Core Samples: A Climate Scientist's Experiments in Politics and Motherhood.

    Join us in welcoming award-winning author, PhD scientist, and environmental policy expert Anna Farro Henderson as she discusses her latest book,  Core Samples: A Climate Scientist's Experiments in Politics and Motherhood. The conversation will be mod ...

  2. SENR Faculty selected to participate in First Sustainability Pedagogy Learning Community

    School of Environment and Natural Resources faculty Jeremy Brooks and Marijke Hecht have been selected to participate in the first  Sustainability Pedagogy Learning Community,   coordinated through a partnership between the Michael V. Drake Institute for ...

  3. Board of Directors

    The NEO-AIC is governed by an independent Board of Directors made up of two General Agricultural Organizations with the greatest number of members in the state, the Ohio Department of Agriculture, and (4) Agricultural Commodity Organizations per the requi ...

  4. Why Northeast Ohio?

    Northeast Ohio is a vibrant agricultural region with rich prime soils and is home to a diversity of businesses and farms including the highest concentration of women farmers and small and medium farms in Ohio. The area is also home to a large Amish popula ...

  5. Mushrooms

    Placeholder for mushroom page ...

  6. Steer Weigh In


  7. Extension Office Closed- Christmas


  8. 4-H Camp Counselor Application Deadline


  9. Jr. Fairboard Christmas Party


  10. Extension Office Closed- Thanksgiving

