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  1. Upcoming Pesticide-Fertilizer Recertification Classes; Pressure Canner Testing

    Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification, Mid-Ohio Growers Meeting For those needing to complete a recertification course for their private pesticide applicators license or their fertilizer applicators certification, there are several opportunities in Way ...

  2. Competitive Teams

    Find your passion and polish your skills for a future career when you join in a competitive team at CFAES. Click on each team name to visit their page for more information.  Dairy Judging Team Experience dairy cattle judging in contests across America. As ...

  3. Busting Salmonella: Disease Control & Prevention in Calf Production

    Busting Salmonella: Disease Control and Prevention in Calf Production Friday, February 21 9:00am-12:00pm (registration begins at 8:30am) Secrest Welcome and Education Center, 2122 Williams Rd, Wooster, OH 44691 Register HERE (or scan the QR code below OR ...

  4. Livestock and Cold Temperatures- Pay Attention to the 'Real Feel'

    We know that any species of livestock will struggle in the heat of summer, but the cold of winter can be even more challenging ...

  5. Ask These Questions, Then Find The Path To Reach Set Goals

    As we think about work, what is it that you are passionately working towards?  If you aren’t sure, answer some of these questions  ...

  6. Focus On Meaningful Conversations: Tips On Sharing And Listening

    As you spend time with family and friends during this holiday week, I challenge you to focus on actively connecting with loved ones ...

  7. Protecting Peace: Pressures Of Holiday Can Take Toll On Mental Health

    While finishing that holiday to-do list, be sure you check off the boxes that address your well-being ...

  8. Federal Order Addresses Livestock Influenza

    The USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS) has issued a second federal order concerning Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in dairy cattle ...

  9. Citations Matter: Exploring and Expanding Your Citation Practices

    Citation is not a neutral practice. In the realm of academia, our citation choices wield significant influence—shaping discourse, amplifying voices, and impacting scholarly recognition. Yet, how often do we pause to reflect on the implications of these ch ...

  10. Beyond the Scale: Embracing Body Diversity and Challenging Weight Stigma

    Traditional views of health often equate wellness with body size and weight, but these metrics only tell part of the story. In this workshop, we will challenge the long-standing focus on weight as a measure of health by exploring the concept of Health at ...
