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Search results

  1. Plant Pathology Seminars

    Autumn 2024 Fridays, 9:10- 10:05 am Kottman 244 (Columbus) and Selby 203 (Wooster) (Zoom link available) Coordinators: Dr. Enrico Bonello ( (Columbus) and Dr. Erik Ohlson (Wooster) August 23- Dr. Monica Lewandowski et al, Department of P ...

  2. 2024 Chick order forms due

    2024 Chick Order Form ...

  3. Buckeye Shooters Registration and Safety Meeting

    Buckeye Sharpshooters shooting sports club will meet from 6:00 to 7:00 at the OSU Extension Office. This club teaches gun safety under the supervision of certified 4-H shooting sports instructors. Youth will shoot rifle, shotgun, pistol, and archery. All ...

  4. Buckeye Shooters Special Interest 4-H Club- Registration and safety meeting set for May 15th, 6-7pm

    Buckeye Sharpshooters shooting sports club will meet from 6:00 to 7:00 at the OSU Extension Office. This club teaches gun safety under the supervision of certified 4-H shooting sports instructors. Youth will shoot rifle, shotgun, pistol, and archery. All ...

  5. Hardin Hackers Special Interest 4-H Club- Registration meeting scheduled for May 15th, 5-6pm

    Hardin Hackers computer science club will meet from 5:00 to 6:00 at the OSU Extension Office. This club focuses on robotics, 3-D printing, computer science, and technology. Any Hardin County youth finishing 3rd grade and up can join. Projects will be comp ...

  6. Hardin Hackers Registration Meeting

    Hardin Hackers computer science club will meet from 5:00 to 6:00 at the OSU Extension Office. This club focuses on robotics, 3-D printing, computer science, and technology. Any Hardin County youth finishing 3rd grade and up can join. Projects will be comp ...

  7. Plant Sale

    This is where you will find information about when the plant sale will be.  Check back for details.     ...

  8. Trauma-Informed Care

    What is Trauma-Informed Care? Becoming “trauma-informed” means recognizing that people often have many different types of trauma in their lives. People who have been traumatized need support and understanding from those around them. Often, trauma survivor ...

  9. Testing Pressure Canner Lids

    The USDA recommends that pressure canner lids be tested every year to ensure safety while canning.  Schedule an appointment to have your pressure canner lid tested: Schedule an appointment: Appointments are requ ...

  10. Healthy People

    Our Healthy People programs seek to educate Ohio residents about living healthy lives. Our Healthy People programs include lessons on healthy eating and cooking, physical activity, sun safety, food preservation, and food safety. The overall goal of Health ...
