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Search results

  1. USDA Announces Grants for Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production

    USDA is making available up to $7.5 million for grants through its Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production (OUAIP). The competitive grants will support the development of urban agriculture and innovative production projects through two categ ...

  2. USDA Announces Grants for Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production

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  3. The Metaverse Could Change the Purpose and Feel of Cities

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  4. 2020 Urban Extension Highlights

    2020 was a unique year because of the Covid-19 pandemic. In-person events were shutdown in mid-March and educators pivoted to offer many more online options for their clientele.   Check out these 2020-21 stories from around the state. Ohio Population Chan ...

  5. 2023 North-Central Regional NUEL Conference- Proposals

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  6. The Smart Enough City- Webinar

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  7. Cash Rent

    2022 USDA Cash Rent Survey 2021 USDA Cash Rent Survey Cash Rents and Farmland Values (OSU Western Ohio) Establishing a fair pasture rental rate  (OSU) Computing a pasture rental rate (Iowa) Ag Lease 101 ...

  8. Beef Quality Assurance

    Are you selling beef animals to be harvested for meat and need to update your Beef Quality Assurance Certification? The goal of the Ohio Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program is to increase the competitive base for marketing Ohio cattle. Beef Quality Assur ...

  9. Beef Quality Assurance

    Are you selling beef animals to be harvested for meat and need to update your Beef Quality Assurance Certification? The goal of the Ohio Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program is to increase the competitive base for marketing Ohio cattle. Beef Quality Assur ...

  10. Fruit and Vegetable Producers' Workshop

    OSU Extension Muskingum County will host a Fruit and Vegetable Producer Workshop January 26, 2023, at the Zanesville Muskingum Conference and Welcome Center. This workshop will focus on issues in weed control, pest management, small fruit production, and ...
