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Search results

  1. High Tunnel Workshop

    Come join us for an informative workshop focused on high tunnel production, featuring information to benefit commercial growers, beginning farmers, and educators, among others. A lunch and light refreshments throughout the day are included with your regis ...

  2. Master Gardener Volunteers


  3. High Tunnel Workshop

    Come join us for an informative workshop focused on high tunnel production, with featuring information to benefit commercial growers, beginning farmers, and educators, among others. A lunch and light refreshments throughout the day are included with your ...

  4. Connections Newsletter

    The South Centers Connections Newsletter is a publication that highlights current programs, research, and activities at OSU South Centers in Piketon. Our communications goals at South centers include publishing news articles in a regular and timely fashio ...

  5. Tri-State Industry Conference

    The Tri-State Green Industry Conference has existed in some form in the Cincinnati area for over eighty years. We started out as the Nursery, Landscape, and Ground Maintenance Seminar, and over the years we have grown and expanded to reach a wider range o ...

  6. News


  7. Hamilton County Community Fair


  8. Ohio 4-H Youth Development Night at GABP with the Reds

    The 4-H programs of Hamilton, Warren, and Clermont counties are excited to be partnering with the Cincinnati Reds to support programs that will empower youth to lead for a lifetime!  In 4-H, we believe in developing young people who are confident, hard-wo ...

  9. 4-H Camp Graham


  10. Beef Quality Assurance Certification Training

     Join Hardin County OSU Extension for a Beef Quality Assurance certification training scheduled for Monday, February 19 from 6:30-8:30 pm at the Extension office located at 1021 W Lima Street in Kenton. Beef Quality Assurance training is for beef cattle p ...
