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  1. Grow More Vegetables, Make More Money Workshop

    This two-day intensive retreat will help seasoned vegetable farmers advance their earning potential and enhance their management plans to boost soil fertility and yield. Led by long-time organic farming expert Linda Halley, session topics for larger scale ...

  2. Farm Vision Workshop

    Are you an aspiring or new farmer planning your dream farm? This workshop will help you map out your farm vision, clarify your goals and values, and assess your strengths, resources, and needs before beginning a farming enterprise. Participants will hear ...

  3. Poultry Processing for the Small Farm and Homestead Workshop

    Tea Hills Farms raises poultry on lush pastures and runs its own on-farm state-inspected processing facility. Join Cara and Jason Tipton for a first-hand processing experience and tour of their pastured poultry operation. The day will begin with a hands-o ...

  4. The Farmers’ Table

    The Farmers' Table is returning to northeast Ohio! Join OEFFA, organic farmers Jake and Dawn Trethewey of Maplestar Farm, and The Driftwood Group for this unique experience that celebrates Ohio farms and summer flavors. Tour Maplestar Farm's org ...

  5. Young and Beginning Farmers Q&A and Networking Session

    Are you a young or beginning farmer with questions about your business? Hosted by the Central Ohio Chapter of the National Young Farmers Coalition and OEFFA, this evening networking and question and answer session features local farm lawyers from Barrett, ...

  6. Pasture-Raised Livestock Beginning Farm Tour

    Randall and Connie Moores are beginning farmers, breathing new life into Randall’s grandparents’ farmstead, which they purchased in 2014, after it had been sold out of the family in the 1990s. When Randall returned home from active duty service in the Arm ...

  7. Cheesemaking and Homestead Tour

    The tour of this diversified homestead will feature learning stations and local Master Gardeners, who will be on hand to share details about projects. Individual stations will include: cheesemaking, rendering lard, canning butter and milk, alternative liv ...

  8. Healthy Soil Farm Tour

    The Margraf family has been addicted to growing healthy soil for more than 10 years and encourages more people to try this “different” approach. As a family that supports public, local, voluntary actions that lead to bigger benefits for all, they’ve partn ...

  9. Grass-Fed Livestock Farm Tour

    Grassroots Farm is a 380 acre grass-based farm raising Red Devon cattle, Katahdin lamb, Cornish Cross chickens, and Berkshire hogs. Value-added products produced on site are also sold through the Hyde Park Farmers’ Market and Findlay Market in Cincinnati. ...

  10. Vegetable Equipment Systems Farm Tour

    This beginning farmer focused tour will walk you through the process of equipment systems and the role that machinery can play in making established systems on the farm more efficient. Organic farmer Ben Jackle will provide an overview of the process and ...
