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  1. News


  2. Money To Grow

    Securing Grants and Loans for Your Food or Farm Business February 29, 2024 Do you have a specific project you are looking to carry out to help grow your existing farm/food business? Learn all about grant and loan programs and where to find them, network w ...

  3. Books

      "Sex Control in Aquaculture",  has won an award of best Aquaculture books of all time.     Wang, H.P., F. Piferrer and S.L. Chen. 2018.  Sex Control in Aquaculture Vol.1. Wiley-Blackwell  ...

  4. Agriculture Fertilizer Applicator Certification

    Hardin County – A three-hour fertilizer certification program will be held in Kenton for any private or commercial applicator who needs to obtain fertilizer certification for the first time. This training will be held at the Hardin County OSU Extension of ...

  5. Manage Your Money

     While it is difficult to think about planning for the future when money is tight, learning basic money management skills will strengthen independence, give peace of mind, and improve future financial security. Ohio State University Extension’s Manage You ...

  6. Epigenetics

    Mounting evidence from epigenetic research in humans and animals has demonstrated that epigenetics plays a complementary role to genetics, touching many aspects of biological processes such as reproduction, early development, disease, growth, and nutritio ...

  7. Join Now!

    Eligibility for 4-H membership begins when a child is age 5 and is enrolled in kindergarten as of January 1 of the current year (Cloverbuds). Membership to the 4-H club program begins when a child is at least 8 and enrolled in 3rd grade as of January 1 of ...

  8. New Fertilizer Certification Training

    NEW FERTILIZER APPLICATOR CERTIFICATION ONLY February 13, 2024 1:00 PM- 4:00 PM   Location:  Hardin County Extension Office, 1021 W. Lima St., Suite 103 Kenton, OH  COST: $30.00 Initial 3-Hour fertilizer certification for first time farmers, commercial ap ...

  9. New Pesticide Applicator Training

    New Pesticide Applicator Flyer NEW  PRIVATE PESTICIDE APPLICATOR TEST PREPARATION CLASS  JANUARY 16, 12:00 PM- 4:00 PM Location: Hardin County Extension Office, 1021 W. Lima St., Suite 103 Kenton, OH  COST: $40.00 Initial 4-Hour pesticide applicator test ...

  10. Sustainable Aquaponics

    One of the biggest challenges for the commercial aquaponics industry is its profitability, with most businesses producing tilapia. The low-value, high-energy cost, and competition from imports have hindered profitability of the tilapia-based system. This ...
