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Search results

  1. YMCA Day Camp

    Get Fit with 4-H Day Camp at the Calcutta YMCA on June 23rd from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for kids ages 5 to 12 years old.  Come prepared for a fun morning of moving, laughing, learning and swimming!  The cost will be $3.00 per child.  Register by June 16t ...

  2. 4-H Program Advisory Committee Meeting

    It is mandatory that each committee send a representative to this meeting. Committees and Youth Groups represented Beef/Steer Dairy Beef Feeder Goat Dairy Hog Saddle Horse Lamb Turkey Pocket Pet Rabbit/Poultry/Waterfowl Dairy Judging Tema 4-H Ambassadors ...

  3. Health and Safety Event

    Health and Safety Event more information to come ...

  4. Camp Whitewood

    Columbiana County Camp week at Camp Whitewood a fun filled week fishing, swimming, making crafts, playing games amd many more activities. Camperships are being offered for any 4-H youth interested in attending, contact the OSU Extension office for more in ...

  5. Senior Fairboard Meeting

    Senior Fair Board Meeting open to the public ...

  6. 4-H Ambassador Meeting

    4-H Ambassador Meeting June's meeting was moved to the 1st Monday of the month due to Camp Whitewood the following week ...

  7. Advisor/ Committee Training

    This is the last advisor/committee training for the 2016 year.  All 4-H volunteers must have 1 training a year and must be certified volunteers. If you are unsure if you need to attend this training, contact the Extension office.     ...

  8. 4-H Program Advisory Committee Meeting

    These meetings are mandatory for each committee to send 1 representative to the meetings.       ...

  9. Camp Counselor Training


  10. Science of Healthy Living program

