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  1. 4-H Values Overseas: China 2017 Informational Meeting

    An informational meeting is scheduled to be held on  Tuesday, August 30th at 6:30 p.m. in the OSUE Upstairs Meeting Room  to provide more details about this opportunity and answer any questions you may have. There is limited space on the trip and enrollme ...

  2. 4-H Values Overseas 2016- England, Ireland & Wales

    In June 2016, Holmes County youth travelled with Holmes County 4-H Educator, Hallie Rutt, on a 9 day journey to England, Ireland and Wales for the 4-H Overseas: Citizenship and Agriculture program. Participant reflections: " I now know what to expect ...

  3. 2015 4-H Values Overseas: England/Ireland/Wales

    "I now know what to expect when I will be going out of the country, and I hope to do it again soon." "I have learned a lot through traveling and would definitely recommend it to others." "My horizons have been broadened and I am m ...

  4. 4-H Values Overseas

    Annual 4-H travel abroad opportunity open to Holmes, Wayne & Coshocton County youth, freshman thru one year post graduation age. 2015 England/Ireland/Wales 2016 China For more information contact Hallie Rutt, OSUE Holmes Co 4-H Educator at (330) 674-3 ...

  5. Annual MGV Plant Sale


  6. Wildflower Walk

    Held rain or shine.  Two walks: April 15 at 10:00 am and April 23 at 1:30 pm ...

  7. Veggie 101

    Are you thinking about starting a vegetable garden this year? Maybe you’d just like to learn how to make your garden a little more productive. All the basics will be covered at Veggie 101 being held Monday, March 20 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in Room 145 of the ...

  8. Free Canner Testing Events

    Wednesday, August 17 th at Mt. Hope Hardware- 8120 OH-241, Millersburg, OH 44654 Thursday, August 18 th at Lehman's- 4779 Kidron Rd, Dalton, OH 44618 **Both sessions open 9am to 1pm. Only the lid is needed for testing, not the whole canner. Call (330 ...

  9. Free Canner Testing- Kidron

    Free canner testing! Only the lid is needed for testing, it is not necessary to bring the whole canner. ...

  10. Free Canner Testing- Mt. Hope

    Free canner testing! You only need to bring the lid to testing, not the whole canner.   ...
