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Search results

  1. Rabbit Tattooing


  2. Rabbit Evaluations & Skillathon


  3. Office of Sponsored Projects Updated Record Retention

    Original receipts can be disposed of/destroyed once the expense posts in the financial system. This will align OSP with University policy on record retention and is allowable by sponsors. Since the electronic document/digital image is the back-up record f ...

  4. Small Animal/Dog Clinic- DOGS ARE NOT PERMITTED


  5. Road Show Reflections

    Thank you again to those who have attended the road shows throughout the state. We have one more road show in Dayton this coming Monday. ...

  6. PDF in NOTES on iPhones

    Scan pdfs from iPhones (Androids: Adobe Scan app is approved for use by OCIO) iPhones: go into the NOTES app, create a NEW note, hit the + or camera icon and a menu will come up. Select SCAN DOCUMENTS. Can adjust the image. Tech_Stuff ...

  7. Plant and Insect Diagnostics

    Ohio State Extension in Coshocton County offers the following free services: Plant and weed identification and management information Insect identification and management information Plant disease identification and management information Soil sample anal ...

  8. Looking Forward to 2021

    As we watch 2020 drift into the past and we embrace the new year, 2021, I want to take a moment to reflect on the many successes that came during 2020 in the midst of a global pandemic. ...

  9. Director’s Open Office Hours are Available

    I am very interested in hearing what is on your “top of mind,” ideas you have for our organization moving forward, or creative solutions to pressing issues we are facing as we continue to navigate this pandemic. The most important resource we have is each ...

  10. Zoom Cloud Retention Deadline Extension is Approaching

    The university previously announced the Zoom cloud retention rate would change from 270 days to 120 days, and the date of that change was extended to Feb. 5. ...
