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Naturalist Series: Hunting Wild Mushrooms in Eastern Ohio
Presenter: Erika Lyons, OSU Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources This session will cover the ecology and identification of fungi along with the basics of hunting wild mushrooms. We will also cover some common fungi found in eastern Ohio. ...
Naturalist Series: Flower Dancers and Munching Marvels: The Butterflies and Moths of Ohio
Presenter: Marne Titchenell, OSU Program Director, Wildlife Join us as we learn about the biology and identification of some of Ohio’s butterflies, moths, and caterpillars, including how they live, their habitat needs, and garden plants and practices to ...
Naturalist Series: Ohio Mammals
Presenter: Monika Bowman Bell, Wildlife Communications Specialist with the ODNR Division of Wildlife Join Monika Bowman Bell, Wildlife Communications Specialist with the ODNR Division of Wildlife as we explore the ecology of Ohio mammals. We will discuss ...
Naturalist Series: The Geology & History of Coal Mines in Mahoning County
Presenter: Diana Alexander, Geologist and Educator at Mill Creek MetroParks Join as we dig deep into the geology and history of coal mines in Mahoning County. We will travel back in time over 300 million years ago to learn how and why coal was deposited ...
Naturalist Series: The Peopling of the New World
Presenter: Thomas Delvaux, Instructor & Archaeologist, Youngstown State University Who were the First Americans? When did they come here? Where did they come from? Join us to discuss some of the latest discoveries that answer these questions and l ...
Fruit Tree Pruning Clinic
Join OSU Extension and White House Fruit Farm to learn how to prune apples and peaches at the farm! The class will be held rain or shine. Dress warm for outdoor activities (rugged shoes). Bring a lawn chair for seating. Home fruit production and growing b ...
Indoor Ag-Con Announces Five Educational Tracks
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Partnerships & Community Capitals
A Community Capitals Approach to Extension Networks and Partnerships Resources for leaders to better understanD, develop, and leverage community capitals, university-community networks, and partner relationships The following information was prepared for ...
Urban Ag Production
Urban Agribusiness / Urban Ag Community / Urban Ag in Ohio URBAN AG production: What, how, where, WHY Many people are involved in urban ag production, based on multiple interests in what, where, how, and why they are in production. What: fresh and value-a ...
Urban Ag Community
Urban Ag Production / Urban Agribusiness / Urban Ag in Ohio URBAN AG COMMUNITY OVERVIEW Ohio’s urban agriculture community involves a variety of interests. A Communitiy Capitals framework illsutrates the interrelated aspects within urban areas, and along ...