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  1. Camp #1 Counselor Training


  2. Dairy Council Meeting


  3. Hancock County Lamb Banquet

    Doors open at 6 pm and lamb buffet dinner is at 6:30 pm Hosted by Hancock County Sheep Improvement Association Proceeds used for Hancock County Sheep programs and scholarships Tickets are $50 per family; $15 adult; or $7 child (12 and under); available fr ...

  4. Youth Protection Training

    This Youth Protection Training is being held as a 'brown bag' session prior to the monthly meeting of the Master Gardener Volunteers of Hancock County.  This training is suitable for any volunteers involved with programs of Ohio State University ...

  5. 4-H Button Days

    Last year we had an outstanding show of support and a record amount collected. The money brought in was put to good use towards scholarships, prizes and awards for deserving 4-H members. Various business owners or managers graciously allowed our 4-H membe ...

  6. Office Conference-Office Closed until approximately 9:30 am


  7. Cloverbud Camp Counselor Training


  8. Quality Assurance Test Out

    As an OPTION, 4-H and FFA members may elect to test out of their annual quality assurance (QA) program. Youth ages 12-14 who pass the QA test can test out of their annual QA program for up to 3 years. Youth ages 15-18 years who pass the QA test can test o ...

  9. Goat Councils Meeting

    Jr. Council at 6 pm Sr. Council at 7 pm ...

  10. Poultry Councils Meeting

    Jr. Council at 6 pm Sr. Council at 7 pm ...
