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Search results

  1. New Tax and Law Bulletins Available

    We've posted several new bulletins in our library. Go to the tax law library for a bulletin on "Why Did My CAUV Values Increase So Much?" Our food law library has several new additions on cottage food regulations, labeling and sampling home ...

  2. Volume 14 Issue 1


  3. Ohio's New Fertilizer and Manure Application Restrictions are in Effect

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  4. 4-H Style Revue

    Come join us for the 4-H Style Show & FCS/Still Projects Award Night!!! Followed by ice cream treats!!! (Donated by Geyer's-Hawkins Market) Mozelle Hall- Ashland County Fairgrounds ...

  5. Volume 13 Issue 6


  6. Farmland Leasing Workshops to be Held Around State

    Ohio State University Extension is offering Farmland Leasing Workshops throughout Ohio this January through March 2014.   The program for landowners and farmers will focus on factors affecting leasing options and rental rates, analyzing rent survey data, ...

  7. Dairy Clinic- Wayne County Fairgrounds

    Wayne County Fairgrounds is located at 199 Vanover Street, Wooster.   Remember, your attendance at one of the 8 clinics on the project requirements is mandatory in order to be able to exhibit your project at the fair this year. Please click here for the N ...

  8. DEADLINE- 4-H Junior Fair Entries Due- Ext. office open 8 am- 4:30 pm this Friday only


  9. 4-H Dairy Clinic- Ayers Farm

    Clinic to be held at Ayer's Farm, 820 State Route 39, Perrysville, OH Remember, your attendance at one of the 8 clinics on the project requirements is mandatory in order to be able to exhibit your project at the fair this year. Please CLICK here the ...

  10. Volume 13 Issue 5

