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Duty Area C:
CSA Grower/Manager DUTY/TASK LIST Duty Area C: Manage Office Functions Establish product listing and cost Update packing and delivery order Edit newsletter Print Newsletter Develop office forms (e.g., application, liability) Coordinate customer satisfac ...
Duty Area B:
CSA Grower/Manager DUTY/TASK LIST Duty Area B: Provide Customer Service & Public Relations Provide customer service training to employees Respond to customer concerns (e.g., email, phone calls) Conduct pre- and post-season surveys Conduct site tou ...
Duty Area A:
CSA Grower/Manager DUTY/TASK LIST Duty Area A: Develop business plan 1 Develop business plan 2 Develop marketing plan 5 Maintain website 6 Prepare flyer and brochures 7 Identify funding mechanisms (e.g., loans, member-ships, grants) 8 Conduct outreach a ...
Pickling Cucumbers
Pickling Cucumbers Objectives(s) of Pickling Cucumber Research and Education: This research explores and identifies new pickling cucumber cultivar and variety releases and production practices for their suitability, marketability, growth and production ...
Ornamental Corn
Ornamental Corn Objectives(s) of Ornamental Corn research and education: This research explores and identifies new ornamental corn cultivar and variety releases and production practices for their suitability, marketability, growth and production chara ...
Other Vegetables
Other Vegetables Objectives(s) of other vegetable Research and Education: Planned Scope of Research: Potential outcomes & significance of outcomes: Bell Pepper varities include: Revolution, Alliance, Wahoo, Declaration, Aerostole, ...
Middle Great Miami Watershed Alliance
MGM Watershed Alliance- A Wise Use of Resources The Middle Great Miami Watershed Alliance promotes the wisest use of our land and water resources for the present and for future generations. As a sponsoring agency of the Alliance, Miami County Extension wo ...
High Tunnels
High Tunnels Objectives(s) of High Tunnel research:: This research explores and identifies new crop, production and marketing opportunities using high tunnel technologies. Cropping systems explored include strawberry, tomato, blackberry, blueberry, red ...
Leadership YOU
The greatest gift you ever give is your honest self.”- Fred Rogers Are you exceptional? Every person has special gifts to share with others, which brings a purpose to their life. Do you know yourlife's purpose and your gifts? Leadership begins by kn ...
Emotional Vampires at Work
Emotional vampires tend to drain the energy of everyone they encounter. These “vampires” tend to suck out your optimism, and enthusiasm rather than your blood. Their toxic behaviors can range from subtle comments, to full blown drama. These vampires, i ...