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Miller publications
(Since 1999) Baysal, F., Benitez, M.-S., Kleinhenz, M., Miller, S.A. and McSpadden Gardener, B.B. 2008. Field management effects on damping-off and early season vigor of crops in a transitional organic cropping system. Phytopathology 98:562-570. Aruscava ...
Mitchell publications
Yangrae, C., Kwang-Hyung, K., Mauricio, L.R., Scott, D., Santopietro, G., Callihan, M., Mitchell, T.K., and C. Lawrence Identification of novel virulence factors associated with signal transduction pathways in Alternaria brassicicola. Submitted Molecular ...
Pierce Paul people profile
Pierce Paul I was born in a small country called Guyana, formally British Guiana, located on the northern coast of South America. My training in agriculture began at secondary school where I took the General Certificate of Education (GCE) examination in A ...
Miller courses
Co-instructor (with Sally Miller) (Plnt Pth 615) Fruit and Vegetable Crop Diseases (U G 3 cr) Major diseases of fruit and vegetable crops with emphasis on etiology, epidemiology and management. Wi quarter. Prerequ: Plant Path 401 or equiv. Not open t ...
Dorrance Lab
Soybean Pathology Lab Identification, biology, epidemiology and management of both soilborne and foliar diseases of soybeans Left to right: Anne Dorrance, Zhifen Zhang, Wirat Pipatpoingpinyo, Matt Wallhead, Kirk Broders, Maggie Ellis, Andrea Ortega, Sue ...
Boehm publications
Recent scholarly publications from the Boehm Lab Contact: Venu, R. C.; Zhang, Yuan; Weaver, Brian; Carswell, Peter; Mitchell, Thomas K.; Meyers, Blake C.; Boehm, Michael J.; Wang, Guo-Liang. 2011. Large Scale Identification of Genes Invol ...
Qu Lab
People Qu, Feng- E-mail: Office: 024 Selby Hall, Wooster; tel. (330) 263-3835 Zhang, Xiuchun- Postdoctoral researcher- E-mail: Chewachong, Godwill- PhD student- E-mail: Lin, Junyan- PhD student- E-ma ...
Dollar spot database
Dollar spot, caused by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa F.T. Bennett, is one of the most devastating diseases of golf course creeping bentgrass worldwide. The DSTI database hosts the transcriptome data from both Scleotinia homoeocarpa and creeping bentgrass (Culti ...
McSpadden Gardener lab page 1
While the rudimentary elements of a discipline can be taught in courses, true scientific achievements at the post-graduate level come slowly through repeated practice and exposure to diverse ideas, experimental systems, and critical review. In the labor ...
More Lab Alumni
Dr. Kamal Krishna Pal came as Visiting Scholar under the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, Long Term Overseas Associateship programme in 2006. He hails from the National Research Centre for Groundnut, Junagadh, Gujarat. Dr. Pal is looking f ...