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How can we recruit more Latino students in agriculture?
The statistics for Latino students enrolling in agriculture are alarming. Latinos will impact the future of our society and will have the potential to impact agriculture. Given the rapidly changing demographics and the low numbers of Latino students enter ...
Straight from the fish's mouth
In addition to a wide range of college classes, Stone Lab, Ohio State's island campus on Lake Erie, is once again offering non-credit workshops this summer and early fall. These one- to three-day workshops allow participants of all ages to catch a ...
Brewing, buying biogas: OARDC campus at Wooster now runs on 30 percent green energy
Rotten produce. Animal fat. Bad soda. Manure. OARDC's Wooster campus is going to waste. And that's a good thing. The campus is using agricultural and food-processing wastes to meet nearly a third of its 12-megawatt-hour annual electricity needs. ...
Ohio 4-H inducts 4 into Hall of Fame
Four honorees were inducted into the Ohio 4-H Hall of Fame during the 2013 Ohio Volunteer Conference and Bob Evans Farms Recognition Luncheon in March. The purpose of the Ohio 4-H Hall of Fame is to recognize individuals who have made significant contribu ...
Peer Mentor Application Due
Pancake Paradise
It is April 23 10pm-12am in the animal science arena! ...
Poultry Science Club Easter Egg Hunt
The Poultry Science Club is hosting the annual Easter Egg Hunt from March 27-29. Find eggs around the FAES campus and bring them to the Poultry Science Club table at Kottman Hall in the lobby from 12-4 PM on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday for a prize. Lim ...
School of Environment & Natural Resources Admitted Student Chat
You're admitted to Ohio what?! Join us online for a chat and prepare for life as a Buckeye next fall! Log on to the following link: We look forward to connecting with you soon. Questions? Contact 614. ...
Environmental Professionals Network Monthly Breakfast
On Wednesday, April 17, Dr. Curt Meine will be our keynote speaker at the Environmental Professionals Network monthly breakfast. The cost is $10 per person and registration is required. Register for the breakfast at ...
Environmental Professionals Network movie screening: Green FireFire- Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for our Time
Tuesday, April 16th at 7pm the Environmental Professionals Network and the School of Environment and Natural Resources Parks and Recreation Society will host a viewing of the movie, Green Fire- Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for our Time in the Ohio Union ...