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  1. Ohio Supreme Court rules that landowners can challenge CAUV values before the Board of Tax Appeals

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  2. Lunch and Learn | Farm Insurance

    Proper insurance helps protect your land and legacy. Attend this class to learn about property and farm liability coverage, while exploring other insurance questions you may have.   Speaker: Tony Daprile, Nationwide Insurance and Farm Bureau Member   Cost ...

  3. Beat the Winter Blahs with Terrariums

    Would you like to create a decorative terrarium to bring a little green indoors this winter? Then join the Master Gardener Volunteers on Tuesday, February 20 for Beat the Winter Blahs with Terrariums. Cost for this program is $15 and includes all class ma ...

  4. Beat the Winter Blahs with Houseplants

    Do you have questions about your houseplants or want to learn more about different types of plants to keep in your home? Then join the Master Gardener Volunteers on Monday, January 29 for Beat the Winter Blahs with Houseplants. Program cost is $5 and prer ...

  5. Wreaths for our Veterans

    On Saturday, December 2nd, 2017, members of the OSU Extension – Master Gardener Volunteer Program will gather together and place over 150 wreaths on graves to honor veterans during the holiday season as a part of the Wreaths for Our Veterans program.   To ...

  6. New care standards for Ohio veal and dairy to begin in 2018

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  7. New Law Bulletin: Continuous Release Reporting of Air Emissions for Livestock Farms

    A new rule requiring livestock farms to report air emissions that exceed a reportable amount under CERCLA has been delayed by the court until January 22, 2018.  Our new law bulletin helps livestock farms determine whether they are subject to the new requi ...

  8. Ink Pots

    Join Mahoning County Master Gardeners Lil Quaranta and Pam Baytos for a day of crafting and painting flower pots!  For more information, click HERE ...

  9. Master Gardener Volunteer Training


  10. Planning for the Future of Your Farm (Succession Planning)

