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  1. Conservation Tillage Club Breakfast

    Water Quality/Nutrient Management-Cheryl Rice, USDA & Greg LaBarge, OSU Extension ...

  2. Conservation Tillage Club Breakfast

    Budgets, Cash Rent & the Bottom Line-Dr. Barry Ward, The Ohio State University ...

  3. Conservation Tillage Club Breakfast

    Grain Marketing Outlook- Cal Whewell, FC Stone ...

  4. Conservation Tillage Club Breakfast

    New Weed Management Options-Dr Mark Loux, The Ohio State University ...

  5. Hardin County Farm Bill Update


  6. Hardin County Farm Bill Update


  7. Sheep Tour Christmas Dinner & Meeting

    Please call Larry and Ruth at 419-326-6005 to let them know if you plan to attend this years' event so they can better prepare. ...

  8. 2014 Buckeye Shepherd's Symposium

    We have an exciting educational program planned for you and your family! The 2014 Buckeye Shepherd’s Symposium will focus on “Management and Breeding Practices to Put Your Flock on the Roadmap to Productivity Improvement”. Speakers with expertise in Nutri ...

  9. National Sheep Improvement Program

    OSIA and OHSIA will be hosting a National Sheep Improvement Program (NSIP) workshop in Wooster, OH on Dec. 5, the afternoon prior to the Buckeye Shepherd’s Symposium. The program is a computerized, performance-based program for genetic selection. NSIP is ...

  10. Champaign ANR Stats

    Facts about Champaign County Agriculture: Since the 1950’s, Champaign County has had a modern farming economy. By then we had tractors, herbicides and hybrid corn. As more people moved from the farm,  we required more mechanization to accomplish farm task ...
