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    The June date is the 4th Monday because of the teen instructors being at 4-H camp on the 3rd Monday. There is no July date. ...

  2. 2015 Swine Department T-Shirts

    The 2015 Swine Department T-shirt forms are now available at the office or on the website under 4-H Youth Development then Seneca County Fair.  T-shirt sales will help support the Swine Department.  Please make sure to have your orders in by July 7th, the ...

  3. Occasional Quantity Cooks Workshop

    Do you plan for, prepare, or serve food at events serving large groups of people?  If so, then this workshop is for you! ...

  4. Occasional Quantity Cooks Workshop

    Do you plan for, prepare, or serve food at events serving large groups of people?  If so, then this workshop is for you! ...

  5. Local Food Farm Tour: Saum Family farm

    Come and enjoy a tour and see and learn first hand from the farmer where and how your food is produced. Sponsored by OSU Extension and hosted by Paul & Lois Saum of Saum Family Farm. ...

  6. Local Food Farm Tour: Don's Prawns

    Come and enjoy a tour and see and learn first hand from the farmer where and how prawns are produced. Sponsored by OSU Extension and hosted by Don Maloney of Don's Prawns. ...

  7. Local Food Farm Tour: Rockside Vineyard

    Come and enjoy a tour and see and learn first hand from the farmer where and how your grapes and wine are produced. Sponsored by OSU Extension and hosted by Valerie Coolidge of Rockside Vineyard. ...

  8. 2015 Ohio Sheep Day

    Program Topics- Full Flyer and Registration Information • Approved Pasture Renovation Practices • Approved Hay Crop Establishment Practices • Approved EQIP Practices for Sheep Farms • Basic Sheep Management Practices • Lambing Barn Arrangements • Proper S ...

  9. Livestock Entries

    Jr Fair livestock entries are due by midnight of June 15th online through ShoWorks. Further information can be found on this website under the fair tab. ...

  10. 4-H Camp

    Campers need to be at the boat dock starting at 1:15pm on June 12th. They will return on June 15th at 11:30am. A letter with more information was sent to each camper who registered. ...
