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  1. Milk Price Outlook

    Gary Schnitkey The Basic Formula Price (BFP) in October was $12.84 per cwt., its highest level during 1997. The BFP likely will decline throughout the remainder of 1997. Coffee, Sugar Cocoa Exchange futures prices place the BFP around $12.70 in November a ...

  2. Milk Price Outlook

    Gary Schnitkey The Basic Formula Price (BFP) during November rose $.13 per cwt. over the October price reaching $12.96 per cwt., the highest price yet during 1997. The November price increase was unexpected. Commercial use of milk during the third quarter ...

  3. Who's Who

    Lanny Anderson   (614) 292-2366 Lanny will be leaving the OSU Extension at the end of the year after more than 30 years of work for Ashtabula County residents. A 1963 OSU graduate in Agronomy, Lanny remembers how he first struggled with the diverse agricu ...

  4. Managing Stress

    Chris Zoller   Extension Agent, Tuscarawas County  Steve Schumacher   Extension Agent, Belmont County Many dairy farmers across Ohio have been experiencing elevated stress levels for the past several months as a result of lower than expected milk prices, ...

  5. COBA/Select Sires Annual Meeting Series

    Columbus, OH COBA/Select Sires is once again sponsoring a series of Management Seminars during its 1998 Annual Meeting Series. Topics to be discussed are: Where will your farm fit tomorrow? to be presented in Districts 1, 2, 3N and 8N by Dr. Normand St-Pi ...

  6. NOBA District Membership Meetings

    Tiffin, OH Two dairy companies and two land-grant universities are cooperating to present Competitive Dairying in 2005 and Beyond at the NOBA/CRI district membership meetings, to be held January 26 through 30, 1998, in Ohio. Presenters will include Norman ...

  7. Milk Price Outlook

    Gary Schnitkey The Basic Formula Price (BFP) for January was released on February 5th.  For January, the BFP was $13.25 per cwt.  This is the second month in a row that the BFP has been above $13.00. Currently, BFP futures contracts for February are tradi ...

  8. Factors to Consider in a Program for Heat Detection

    Dr. Joe Ottobre, Associate Professor  Department of Animal Sciences Data from DHI summaries of Ohio dairy herds indicate that the average estrous (heat) detection rate in Ohio is approximately 45%.  Thus, Ohio dairy producers are missing 55% of the opport ...

  9. 15- Measures of Competitiveness

    Dianne Shoemaker, Agriculture Agent This month: Debt per cow  Competitive Level:   Less than $2000 per cow  Less than $3000 per cow during an expansion  Calculation: Total farm debt/(lactating cows + dry cows)  Example: $800,000 debt / 300 cows (249 lacta ...

  10. Tough Management Yields- Dairy Profits

    Donald J. Breece Ph.D., Southwest District Specialist, Farm Management  Ohio State University Extension The last three years in the dairy business has required decisive action and tough management by dairy farmers.  Yet, those Ohio dairy farms that contro ...
