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Search results

  1. Plant Disease Diagnosis (PLNTPTH 5685), July 7-20


  2. Plant Disease Diagnosis (PLNTPTH 5685), July 7-20


  3. Plant Disease Diagnosis (PLNTPTH 5685), July 7-20


  4. Last day of classes, Summer Full Term and Summer Session


  5. 2015 Forage Management Tour

    The Ohio Grasslands and Forage COuncil, the Ohio Sheep Improvement Assn., and OSU Extension will hold a forage and grazing school on Friday, July 10th. This will include a tour of farms and lunch by the Greene County Cattleman's Assn. Register by Jul ...

  6. Spencer Debenport

    Spencer Debenport PhD (McSpadden Gardener) Distinguished University Fellow 236 Selby Hall, Wooster BA Biology, St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota My research focuses on the characterization of endophytic fungi in healthy and envir ...

  7. New Publication

    McPherson, B. A., Mori, S. R., Opiyo, S. O., Conrad, A. O., Wood, D. L., Bonello, P. 2014. Association between resistance to an introduced invasive pathogen and phenolic compounds that may serve as biomarkers in native oaks Forest Ecology and Management. ...

  8. Graduate Application Info

     > Future Students ...

  9. OSU Experts Offer Beef Quality Assurance Training Workshop

    The workshop is targeted toward any cattle producer who is interested in learning proper management techniques to ensure a safe and wholesome beef product for consumers, said John Grimes, beef coordinator for Ohio State University Extension and a member o ...

  10. 2015 Ohio Sheep Day

    The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center and Ohio State University Extension present 2015 Ohio Sheep Day at the Greene County farm of Jim and Denise Percival. Topics include: Pasture renovation, Sheep management, Equipment, Manure and compost ...
