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  1. DISCflex

    The foundation of personal and professional success lies in understanding self, understanding others and realizing the impact of personal behavior on the people around you. DISC provides an insight into an individual’s style that can help predict the like ...

  2. The Changing Face of the Organization: Millennials in the Workplace- ONLINE

    Who are these new employees in your workplace?  How do you relate to or manage this latest generation to enter the workforce?  These younger employees are technologically wired, highly educated and eager to make a difference in their workplace.  This high ...

  3. StrengthsFinder

    You get what you focus on."-Vannoy & Ross As a leader it is important to know what talents you possess, that you bring to the leadership table. Do you know what strengths you possess? Every leader possesses her/his own unique set of talents. Acco ...

  4. 2015 Forage Management Tour

    The Ohio Grasslands and Forage COuncil, the Ohio Sheep Improvement Assn., and OSU Extension will hold a forage and grazing school on Friday, July 10th. This will include a tour of farms and lunch by the Greene County Cattleman's Assn. Register by Jul ...

  5. OSU Experts Offer Beef Quality Assurance Training Workshop

    The workshop is targeted toward any cattle producer who is interested in learning proper management techniques to ensure a safe and wholesome beef product for consumers, said John Grimes, beef coordinator for Ohio State University Extension and a member o ...

  6. 2015 Ohio Sheep Day

    The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center and Ohio State University Extension present 2015 Ohio Sheep Day at the Greene County farm of Jim and Denise Percival. Topics include: Pasture renovation, Sheep management, Equipment, Manure and compost ...

  7. Tree Tour and Talks

    The Miami County Master Gardeners present a walking tour of Miami County's "Barboretum" and featured speakers include Fred Hower, "The Ohio Nurseryman". Registration information can be found here. ...

  8. "An Evening Garden Affair"

    The Hardin County Men’s Garden Club with the assistance of the Hardin County Master Gardeners, is sponsoring  “An Evening Garden Affair” on Monday evening June 22nd at the Friendship Gardens of Hardin County, located at 960 Kohler Street in Kenton.  The p ...

  9. Archery Project Workshop

    The Hardin County OSU Extension Office cordially invites you to our first summer season of Workshop Wednesdays.  Workshop Wednesdays have been designed to allow 4-H’ers to spend a session with some of the staff at the Hardin County Extension office workin ...

  10. Self-Determined Project Workshop

    The Hardin County OSU Extension Office cordially invites you to our first summer season of 4-H Project Workshops.  These workshops have been designed to allow 4-H'ers to spend a session with some of the staff at the Hardin County Extension office wor ...
