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  1. Money 101: Session 4 CANCELLED

    Please call 330-264-8722 to reserve your space. ...

  2. Money 101: Session 3 CANCELLED

    Please call 330-264-8722 to reserve your space. ...

  3. Money 101: Session 2 CANCELLED

    Please call 330-264-8722 to reserve your space. ...

  4. New 4-H Advisor Orientation

    Are you or someone you know interested in becoming a 4-H Volunteer and helping a 4-H Club? 4-H Advisors must be screened Ohio 4-H Volunteers. This process takes several steps. One of which is to attend an orientation. Two are currently scheduled for the 2 ...

  5. 4-H News and Notes: September 7, 2016

    Dear 4-H Members, Parents, and Advisors, We hope you are excited for the Wayne County Fair.  Please consider coming out and supporting our 4-H teens at the Jr. Fair Royal Court Coronation Ceremony Saturday at 6 pm and again at the Jr. Fair Royalty Pie in ...

  6. Farm Science Review

              The annual Farm Science Review will be held September 20-22 at the Molly Caren Agriculture Center located near London Ohio.  There will be around 640 venders/exhibitors displaying a wide range of agricultural products and services.  Field demons ...

  7. Master Urban Farmer Bus Tour


  8. Master Urban Farmer Workshop

    ***This workshop is currently full*** The Ohio Master Urban Farmer Workshop Series is an intensive educational program developed by OSU Extension. It is part of the new Extension In the City program. This series of ten evening workshops and a Sunday field ...

  9. Drought Stressed Corn as Silage

              Rain has been spotty across much of Ohio this summer and there are areas where corn was under moisture stress during the critical pollination period.  As a result, this drought stressed corn has poor grain development and small cobs.  Much of th ...

  10. Money 101: Session 1

    Please call 330-264-8722 to reserve your space. ...
