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Search results

  1. Quality Assurance

    Assuring Quality Care for Animals If member is enrolled in a market livestock, market poultry, lactating dairy, or lactating goat project and intends to exhibit their animal at the Holmes County Junior Fair and the animal is destined to terminal or partia ...

  2. Bi-State Poultry Clinic

    Information and registration form ...

  3. Jr Swine Day Registration DUE

    OSU Junior Swine Day brochure and registration form ...

  4. Past Events


  5. Holiday

    The Ohio State University and all OSU Extension offices are closed. ...

  6. Dairy

    NITRATES IN CORN SILAGE Excessive nitrates in corn silage can cause death to cows very quickly.  Drought corn can have higher than normal nitrate concentrations when fed as forage.  Fields having manure and additional nitrogen have the greatest risk for h ...

  7. Water Quality Meeting


  8. 4-H New Volunteer Application Deadline is February 1, 2016

    All new volunteers, individuals who have not been an active volunteer in the past year, or those who do not have a current record on file will need to complete and submit the new volunteer application by February 1, 2016. Applications are available online ...

  9. 4-H New Volunteer Application Deadline

    4-H New Volunteer Application Deadline All new volunteers, individuals who have not been an active volunteer in the past year, or those who do not have a current record on file will need to complete the new volunteer application. Applications are availabl ...

  10. ServSafe Manager Certification

