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  1. MG Coffee Series- Starting Seeds Indoors

    Can't Wait for Spring? Try starting seeds indoors! Learn when to start your seeds indoors for outside plantings. Barb will discuss the importance of using the correct growing medium, proper lighting, and correct watering procedures for successful ger ...

  2. Pasture for Profit

    Objective: To increase participants’ knowledge about forages and grazing in order to increase net profits, improve environmental quality and quality of life for farm families. For more information:  Pasture for Profit Flier ...

  3. Pasture for Profit

    Objective: To increase participants’ knowledge about forages and grazing in order to increase net profits, improve environmental quality and quality of life for farm families. For mor information:  Pasture for Profit Flier ...

  4. Pasture for Profit

    Objective:  To increase partipants' knowledge about forages and grazing in order to increase net profits, improve environmental quality and quality of life for farm families.  For more information:  Pasture for Profit Flier     ...

  5. 4-H Kick-Off

    Sponsored by the Muskingum County 4-H Committee Project & Opportunity Fair 6:00- 7:30 p.m. County Awards presented at 7:30 p.m. Learn more about 4-H, Earn Club Participation Points, View Award Winning Project Displays, Enter 1/2 Camp Scholarship Drawi ...

  6. Dairy

    NITRATES IN CORN SILAGE Excessive nitrates in corn silage can cause death to cows very quickly.  Drought corn can have higher than normal nitrate concentrations when fed as forage.  Fields having manure and additional nitrogen have the greatest risk for h ...

  7. MG Coffee Series- Soil Amendments

    Soil Amendments: What is in all those bags at the garden center and what do they do? So many choices! Learn what your garden really needs before the enticing garden centers lure us in at the first sign of spring. Mulch, compost, fertilizer and growing med ...

  8. Livestock

    Livestock ...

  9. Water Quality Meeting


  10. Vegetable Grafting: What, Why & How

    Vegetable Grafting:  What, Why & How RSVP by March, cost is $30; limited to the first 35 people to register ...
