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  1. Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification

    Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training will be March 13 at the Frontier Power Community Room beginning at 6:00 p.m. Those with a current Private Pesticide Applicator License are required to obtain 2 hours of training to obtain Fertilizer Application ...

  2. Ohio Watershed Network Webinar Series

    Connection details: Please join me in an Adobe Connect Meeting. When:  05/25/2016 12:00 PM- 1:00 PM Time Zone:  (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada) To join the meeting, click on this link or cut and paste into your browser: http://carmenconnect.osu.e ...

  3. 2016 Ohio Environmental Leaders Institute 3 session workshop

    2016 Ohio Environmental Leaders Agenda Session One   (June 6-7) June 6_(6:30pm-8:30pm)_Welcome Dinner and Program Orientation- Drake Union North Patio, OSU Columbus campus June 7_(7:20am-9:30am)_ Environmental Professionals Network Breakfast- Speaker: Apa ...

  4. Licking Park District 'Speaker Series

    Ohio's Pollinators ~ Dr. Karen Goodell COTC-OSU NEWARK Founders Hall Auditorium 1179 University Drive Newark, OH 43055 ...

  5. What Can You Do With Your Woods? evening workshop

    Butler County OSU Extension Office 1802 Princeton Road Hamilton, OH 45011 A common question from woodland owners is ‘what can they do’ with their wooded lot.  This one evening workshop will cover the following topics:  1)  How to assess what you have; 2)  ...

  6. Forest Health_Non-native Invasive Plants

    The Holden Arboretum 95 Sperry Road Kirtland Ohio 44094 Invasive plants left unchecked in a woodland can have long reaching impacts on forest health and the wildlife it harbors. This workshop explores some of the more common invasive plants in Ohio, contr ...

  7. Buckeye Lake Interesting Speaker Series (BLISS)

    Buckeye Lake Interesting Speaker Series The Buckeye Lake Historical Society 4729 Walnut Road (State Route 79) Buckeye Lake, Ohio 43008 1:30- 3:00 Matt Davies, Assistant Professor of Soil and Plant Community Restoration in the School of Environment and Nat ...

  8. First Farm Friday


  9. Wetlands for Wildlife all day workshop

    Wetlands provide countless ecosystem services to local ecology and wildlife. This workshop will teach you about these fascinating habitats, the plants and wildlife that depend upon them!  Learn how to manage wetland water levels, identify and manage invas ...

  10. Garlic Mustard Pulling Time!

    This natural area, located on the Sandusky State Scenic River, was originally acquired as a Scenic River area. The large wooded riverine corridor contains large oaks, sycamore, ash, tulip and cottonwoods, as well as a spectacular diversity of spring wildf ...
