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  1. CD Wire- March 14, 2016

    Mission Statement: Ohio State University Extension Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being. AD Update: That ‘Reporting Time of Year’ Kim Showalter in PD&E has been hard at work the last several weeks extracting data you’ve ent ...

  2. CD Unit Summer Meeting

    Professional development, program planning and administrative update for OSU Extension Community Development faculty and staff. ...

  3. CD Unit Spring Meeting

    Professional development, program planning and administrative update for OSU Extension Community Development faculty and staff. ...

  4. Pickaway County Communications Contest

    Complete contest guidelines and entry forms are available here Entries are due to the Extension office by 4:30 p.m. on April 5, 2016. ...

  5. Pickaway County 4-H Opportunities Day

    It’s a project clinic plus more! ...

  6. National Urban Extension Leaders Meeting

    National Urban Extension Leaders Meeting  ...

  7. Photovoltaic Solar Energy in Agriculture Workshop

    Cost is free; lunch will be provided. Space is limited; contact Mary Griffith ( or 740-852-0975) to register today! Program flyer- Includes agenda, details and sponsors. ...

  8. Preparing Youth for Success

    Preparing Youth for Success Preparing youth for success is one area of shared success.  Here is an example from OSU Extension in the City local engagement with Ohio cities. History of Urban 4-H JET Program Helps Urban Youth Soar The Job Experience and Tra ...

  9. Planning for the Future of Your Farm

    Day two of two This two session workshop is structured to help farm families develop a succession plan for their farm business.  Attend and learn ways to increase family communication and strategies to successfully transfer management skills and the farm’ ...

  10. Planning for the Future of Your Farm

    Day One of Two This two session workshop is structured to help farm families develop a succession plan for their farm business.  Attend and learn ways to increase family communication and strategies to successfully transfer management skills and the farm’ ...
