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Search results

  1. Beef Cattle School

    The three-day program (October 6, 13, 20) focuses on forage weed control, spring development, working livestock, carcass beef breeds and open cows. “We’re hoping to show producers low-stress, economical and practical practices they can implement on their ...

  2. A Day in the Woods- 2nd Friday Series

    See brochure for more information. “A Day in the Woods” and the “2nd Friday Series” are sponsored by the Education and Demonstration Subcommittee of the Vinton Furnace State Forest with support from Ohio State University Extension, ODNR-Divisions of Fores ...

  3. OSUE Annual Conference


  4. OSUE New Employee Welcome Fest

    Calling all new employees and stakeholders who help make the Welcome Festival a success! If you have joined OSU Extension since our fall 2014 welcome fest, please hold October 22 to join in the fun and have the opportunity to connect with your new OSU Ext ...

  5. Statewide Sheep Shearing School

    The Statewide Sheep Shearing School will be held Friday and Saturday, Sept. 18-19. No class size limit, and the cost is $40 per student which must be returned with registration form (attached) by Friday, Sept. 11. As part of the registration fee, a box lu ...

  6. Statewide Sheep Shearing School

    The Statewide Sheep Shearing School will be held Friday and Saturday, Sept. 18-19. No class size limit, and the cost is $40 per student which must be returned with registration form (attached) by Friday, Sept. 11. As part of the registration fee, a box lu ...

  7. Ohio Composting Industry Tour

    This year’s Composting in Ohio industry tour in southwest Ohio will focus on managing water. The stops on the tour will feature, for example, a large-scale composting facility that recently took steps to better control its surface water runoff and a dairy ...

  8. Northeast Ohio Grape Field Day

    Wine grape and commercial grape juice growers can learn how to increase their production management skills and how to manage grape vines after winter injury during a workshop and winery tour presented by horticulture and viticulture experts with the Colle ...

  9. Pesticide inservice for ANR educators

    Click here to register for the pesticide inservice, ANR dinner or both. A virtual option will be available. Indicate on the registration form if you are planning to attend via Carmen Connect. Click here to review the agenda. ...

  10. CFAES fall faculty meeting

