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  1. Advancing Employment and Income Opportunities

    Advancing Employment and Income Opportunities Advancing employment and income opportunities is one area of shared success.  Here are a few examples from OSU Extension in the City local engagement with Ohio cities. Cleveland Urban Agriculture Ohio State Un ...

  2. External Advisors

    External Advisors Advisory Committees are critical partmers in helping us assure we are relevant. Local and statewide advisory groups provide insight into emerging needs of Ohio's citizens, help identify priorities, and serve as volunteer advocates t ...

  3. Spring Symposium- First Year Grad Students

    Research proposals from first-year Plant Pathology graduate students.  203 Selby/Wooster, videolinked to 447 Kottman/Columbus. Presentation schedule > Flyer pdf Morning Session 10:30 – 10:50 Jaqueline Huzar Novakowiski (PhD, Dorrance) Sclerotinia stem ...

  4. McSpadden Gardener Lab- Alumni

    Graduate students Xiaoqing Rong completed her PhD in Plant Pathology in 2013. Her research focused on genomic analyses of biocontrol microorganisms and the molecular basis for pathogen suppression. She has experience with genomic sequencing and annotation ...

  5. eXtension Urban Food Symposium

    National event add more text Directions:   ...

  6. Plant Pathology Awards at CFAES Banquet

    John Schoenhals (Plant Pathology) was named one of 20 Outstanding Seniors in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences and a  Newcomb Scholar (highest GPA), and he recognized Monica Lewandowski as the mentor who contributed to his succ ...

  7. CFAES Recognition Banquet, Ohio Union


  8. Plant Pathology and Horticulture and Crop Science Student Recognition

    Ice cream social, Kottman Hall Outdoor Gazebo/First Floor Lobby ...

  9. Seminar, Hannah Reynolds, Postdoctoral Researcher, Plant Pathology, Ohio State

    Saprotrophy of the White-nose Syndrome fungus and implications for bats. 244 Kottman (Columbus) videolinked to 121 Fisher (Wooster) ...

  10. Communities

