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  1. MG Coffee Series-Tomato Management

    Mid-Summer Tomato Management Join OSU Extension Educator, Eric Barrett, as he discusses everyone’s favorite garden plant: Tomatoes! What are the best varieties? How do you keep the disease away? What are the best growing methods? All of these questions an ...

  2. Cooking Matters


  3. Cooking Matters


  4. Hancock County- Basic Freezing of Fruits and Vegetables


  5. Hancock County- Water Bath & Pressure Canning


  6. SNAP-Ed

    Welcome to the SNAP-Ed Website for FCS Professionals! On these pages, you’ll find everything you need to implement SNAP-Ed in your county.  Use the menu on the left to access the web pages containing templates, forms, tools, curricula, and other important ...

  7. Two Day ServSafe Training

    July 27- 28, 2016 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Registration and Flyer ...

  8. Ohio Hop Growers Guild 2016 Hop Yard Open House

    Ohio Hop Growers Guild 2016 Hop Yard Open House  Saturday July 23. Brewing? Growing? Thinking of Growing? Visit commercial Ohio hop yards and talk to the growers. Please give us a heads up that you're coming by clicking on the RSVp form on the Ohio H ...

  9. Healthy Meetings

    Planning Healthy Meals for Meetings Healthy Eating at Meetings OSU Extension Healthy Eating at Meetings Guidelines OSU Extension Healthy Eating at Meetings Materials Meeting Well- A Tool for Planning Healthy Meetings and Events ...

  10. The Secret Gardens of Bellbrook

    Please join us for a day of exploration and discover six enchanting and diverse sites in our public parks with the Secret Gardens of Bellbrook. Learn about native plants, composting, garden design, succulents, reforestation and other gardening topics. The ...
