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Junior Leaders Meeting
This will be our organizational meeting for the new year! All 4-H youth 13 and older (or those turning 13 by January 1, 2016) are welcome to join Junior Leaders. This is a fun organization for 4-H teens to get together and learn more about leadership an ...
Jr. Fair Livestock Buyer Thank You Notes Due
BUYER THANK-YOU Exhibitors selling their animal(s) at the Junior Fair livestock sales MUST send a “Thank you” note to the buyer(s). This thank-you note is to be delivered to the Extension Office in a stamped, sealed and completely addressed envelope begi ...
Breyer Horse Show
4-H Home Economics Committee Meeting
Extension Advisory Committee Meeting
Dairy Council Meeting
Pre-Fair Message to 2015 4-H/FFA Horse Youth, Parents, and Advisors
Dear Horse Youth, Parents, and Advisors, Thank you to everyone that attended the Pre-Fair Informational Meeting last night. As promised, here is a re-cap below of the items discussed last night as well as the committee's decisions regarding Tack Ins ...
Horse Advisors Meeting
Horse Youth, Parents, & Advisors Informational Meeting
All 4-H / FFA Horse Youth, Parents, and Advisors are Invited to attend a special Pre-Fair Informational Meeting on Monday August 31st at 6:30 pm in the Sheep / Swine Show Arena. We will be going over several reminders and announcements that will help eve ...
4-H News and Notes for August 20, 2015
Dear 4-H youth, parents, and advisors, There are several important 4-H updates and information about upcoming events and the 2015 Wayne County Fair listed below. Please click the headlines for more details. August / September LINK 4-H Newsletter Poul ...