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Search results

  1. North American Manure Expo

    The Manure Expo features tours, presentations, demonstrations and a huge trade show, all focused on manure. Since its beginning in 2001, the Manure Expo has grown to an annual educational and demonstration event. The event has been hosted by Wisconsin, Mi ...

  2. Sheep Tag In

    All Market Lamb projects must be tagged on Saturday, May 28, 2016 between 8:00 AM and 9:30 AM. Exhibitors may tag two, but may only exhibit and sell one lamb. Siblings may tag their lambs in as a family so long as there is no more than two lambs tagged pe ...

  3. Pesticide inservice for ANR educators

    More info: ...

  4. Private Pesticide Applicators

    Private Applicator A private applicator applies restricted-use pesticides on his/her own land, or rented land, and produces an agricultural commodity.   Recertification Schools for Private Pesticide Applicators: 2017 Schedule for mor ...

  5. Cattle Round Up

    Mark your calendars for June 25, 2016 starting at 10:00 a.m. at the Seneca County Fairgrounds and plan to attend the Cattle Round Up.  This is event is open to Seneca County 4-H and FFA members at no charge and to non county residents at a charge of $5.00 ...

  6. Newsletters

    Ohio Fruit News- This newsletter is published several times a year by editor Dr. Gay Gao, and various other collegues from OSU and other universities.   If you have articles or events for possible inclusion in upcoming issues of this newsletter, please su ...

  7. State Fair Pictures and packet Pick-up


  8. Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training


  9. Visioning OSUE 2035

    Building from the research based information gained from forecasting Ohio in 2035, we asked the questions related to how Extension might best meet the challenges in the years ahead. Visioning brings our focus back to the present by asking “SO WHAT? Now th ...

  10. April 2016 4-H Newsletter

    Get the latest 4-H information and events schedule in the April 2016 4-H Newsletter ...
