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  1. Conflict Management Workshop

    Conflict is a part of our daily lives. How we manage conflict impact on the quality, our work. Effectively dealing with and using conflict as a positive tool is a major component of success in current or future leadership roles. Join Jeff King of the OSU ...

  2. OARDC Small Grain Field Day

    Topics will include: Wheat disease management Wheat breeding: research and varieties Wheat quality characteristics Opportunities and possibilities for malting barley Small grain cropping systems Small grains as cover crop and forage options Registration c ...

  3. Quality Assurance

    Assuring Quality Care for Animals If member is enrolled in a market livestock, market poultry, lactating dairy, or lactating goat project and intends to exhibit their animal at the Holmes County Junior Fair and the animal is destined to terminal or partia ...

  4. One Health Conference: An update for public health officials, veterinarians, and Extension professionals

    The flier (attached) and agenda are posted on the website at ...

  5. 2016 Ohio Intensive Soybean Management Workshop

    Looking for ways to maximize soybean yield and profit? Attend one of three hands-on workshops open to producers and other agricultural professionals. The workshop is occurring at three locations: Feb 9 – Clinton County Extension Community Room, Wilmington ...

  6. 2016 Ohio Intensive Soybean Management Workshop

    Looking for ways to maximize soybean yield and profit? Attend one of three hands-on workshops open to producers and other agricultural professionals. The workshop is occurring at three locations: Feb 9 – Clinton County Extension Community Room, Wilmington ...

  7. 2016 Ohio Intensive Soybean Management Workshop

    Looking for ways to maximize soybean yield and profit? Attend one of three hands-on workshops open to producers and other agricultural professionals. The workshop is occurring at three locations: Feb 9 – Clinton County Extension Community Room, Wilmington ...

  8. Nutrient Management Plan Development Workshop

    Nutrient management plans developed to meet Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) EQUIP program criteria can be developed by Certified Crop Advisors in the state of Ohio as a service to their farm clientele. Nutrient management plans take soil fert ...

  9. Bi-State Poultry Clinic

    Information and registration form ...

  10. Pumpkin Field Day

