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  1. Union County Office

    18000 State Route 4, Suite E Marysville Ohio 43040 937-644-8117 Visit the Union County Office website County Office ...

  2. EFNEP

    EFNEP (Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program) is a free nutrition education program offered in several counties in Ohio for low-income adults with children and youth. Program assistants use interactive discussions and hands-on activities to guide ...

  3. Give Now

    OSU Extension has been building better lives, better businesses and better communities since 1914. Extension fulfills the land-grant mission of Ohio State by interpreting knowledge and research developed by the university, the Ohio Agricultural Research a ...

  4. CED Quarterly Meeting


  5. Vice President's Summit: Conversations on the Future of Extension

    Celebrating the significant accomplishments and deep impact that OSU Extension has had on communities and in the lives of Ohioans provides a great springboard for the future. A significant component of Ohio’s celebration in 2014 will be a year-long proces ...

  6. Vice President's Summit: Conversations on the Future of Extension

    Celebrating the significant accomplishments and deep impact that OSU Extension has had on communities and in the lives of Ohioans provides a great springboard for the future. A significant component of Ohio’s celebration in 2014 will be a year-long proces ...

  7. OSUE Annual Conference

    Our three-day Annual Conference provides an opportunity for all Extension professionals to: Share and broaden their knowledge of the scholarship of Extension work and university research. Build relationships between Extension professionals and university ...

  8. OSUE Annual Conference

    Our three-day Annual Conference provides an opportunity for all Extension professionals to: Share and broaden their knowledge of the scholarship of Extension work and university research. Build relationships between Extension professionals and university ...

  9. Holiday

    The Ohio State University and all OSU Extension offices are closed. ...

  10. Holiday

    The Ohio State University and all OSU Extension offices are closed. ...
