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  1. Goats


  2. Sheep


  3. Swine


  4. Dairy Cattle


  5. 2011 Grad News

    2011 C.C. Allison Awards Left photo: Dan Anco (center) with advisors Mike Ellis (left) and Larry Madden. Right photo: Gautam Shirsekar (left) with advisor Guo-Liang Wang. Ph.D. candidates Daniel J. Anco and Gautam S. Shirsekar were honored with the 2011 C ...

  6. Veterans Day holiday, no classes, university offices closed


  7. There's Music in the Air

    The Hardin County Homemaker’s Council and Clubs invite you to the 66th annual Christmas Program and Luncheon, scheduled for Tuesday, December 2 at the First United Methodist Church, 234 N.Main St., Kenton.  “There’s Music in the Air” is the theme of the d ...

  8. Nature and Ecology

    Wild Mushrooms Updated fact sheet with interesting info and color photos of several common mushrooms in Ohio woodlands Download > Wild Mushrooms (pdf)   Tackle Fungal Forces to Save Crops, Forests and Endangered Animals, Say Scientists > Science Dai ...

  9. Honors and Scholars

    Outstanding students may choose to pursue the prestigious Honors or Scholars programs at Ohio State.  These programs recognize academic achievement and offer flexibility in course selection; enrollment in small-sized honors, accelerated, or advanced cours ...

  10. Seminar, Paal Krokene, Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute

    The Importance of Plant Defense Priming in Spruce-Pathogen-Insect Interactions. Videolink: 244 Kottman (Columbus) and 121 Fisher (Wooster) ...
