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  1. MXC State Counselors Training

    Please see  for more information.  Registration is now closed. ...

  2. Deadline to Request hard copy of Advisor Red Book

    February 14th is the last day to request a hard copy of the Advisor Red Book. The on-line version is being updated, and will be posted as soon as it becomes available. ...

  3. Fashion and Nutrition Board Meeting

    The Fashion and Nutrition Board will be meeting to plan upcoming events for this year, and to welcome their newly selected members. ...

  4. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Class

    The Ohio State University Fruit and Vegetable Safety Team will be presenting a class on Good Agricultural Practices or 'GAPs' to educate growers about on-farm produce safety ...

  5. Hardin County Dairy Banquet

    The annual Hardin County Dairy Banquet will be held on Saturday, February 21 at 12:00 noon at the Walnut Grove United Methodist Church north of Kenton.  Tickets this year are $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children 12 and under.  Junior Fair Dairy Exhibi ...

  6. ESV: Vamos Mas Alla

    ESTAR EN BUENA CONDICION FISICA ES DIVERTIDO Ayude a los niños para que jueguen un partido de voleibol con un globo grande(Tenga muchos globos a la mano por si acaso!) y una cinta adhesiva "roja" en el piso. Aliente a los niños para que inviten ...

  7. Hands On Horse Clinic

    Be ready for horse show season by attending the: HANDS ON HORSE CLINIC MAY 23, 2015,Hardin County Fairgrounds 9:30 AM,Food available on grounds Registration opens March 1, 2015. Limited to 20 horses. Registration ends May 1, 2015. • $25 includes bringing ...

  8. 4-H Volunteer Conference

    The 2013 4-H Volunteer Conference and Bob Evans Farms Recognition Luncheon will take place at the Greater Columbus Convention Center on Saturday, March 9, 2013. This event is designed to bring together 4-H Volunteers from across the State of Ohio. The obj ...

  9. Fairfield County Homemakers

    Spring Tea Program- gardening ...

  10. Growing Apples in Home Gardens Using IPM

    Please join the Master Gardeners for a Webinar on "Growing Apples in Home Gardens Using IPM" on Tuesday, February 3, 2015 from 12:30 to 2:00 pm.  There is no registration required, and feel free to bring your brown bag lunch. This webinar will b ...
