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  1. A&P Staffing Guidelines

    (as of 2015)...The Ohio State University has been working on a Classification and Compensation Redesign project. Over the next several years, university and Medical Center human resources offices will partner with a global leader in HR and financial consu ...

  2. Use of 4-H Name and Emblem

    County Educators’ Authority to Grant Use of 4-H Name and Emblem The 4-H Name and emblem is a federal trademark, protected by 18 USC 707. Ultimately, the responsibility for the protection of the trademark is the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. In practicali ...

  3. Administrative and Related Support Units

    OSU Extension Administrative Units CFAES Finance Office CFAES Human Resources Program Areas Agriculture and Natural Resources Community Development Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Youth Development Extension Support Units Extension Operations Learning an ...

  4. Work Outside the University Policy Statement

    Work outside the university may not create a conflict of interest or compete with services provided by the university. Rationale Work outside the university which includes consulting activities is intended to benefit all parties involved: OSU gains recogn ...

  5. Reuse of OSU Extension Materials

    Re-use of OSU Extension Materials by Outside Agencies and Businesses Requests are received from outside agencies and businesses to use OSU Extension image(s), materials, and other tools developed for and by OSU Extension. These requests are specialized be ...

  6. County Office Closure Options (Budget-Driven)

    County Budget-Driven Office Closure Options Scenario County commissioners close county buildings/office one day a week as a budget saving measure for the county, and the OSU Extension office is located in a county-owned facility. These options are entirel ...

  7. County Budget Shortfalls – OSU Extension Guidelines

    A financial crisis is a time of high stress for everyone involved. The best solution to this problem is not to have it happen. Creating a situation where local OSU Extension programs are so highly valued that reduction or elimination of county funding is ...

  8. Collaboration with the Regional Campuses

    A Framework for Collaboration with the Regional Campuses All initial contacts from regional campuses for matters concerning offering courses with the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences begin with the associate dean and director of a ...

  9. Advertising in Newsletters

    Advertising in Newsletters Advertisements may be included in newsletters. If an advertisement is included, postage must be purchased with dollars that are not appropriated dollars; you may not use your county commissioner’s funding. The advertisement shou ...

  10. Administrative Decision Making

    Ways to assure that personnel input is considered in administrative decision making Assumptions that provide the foundation for these actions... We are committed in assuring that employees would not fear that their opinion or perspective would be ‘remembe ...
