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Heat Detection in Dairy Cattle- Part II
Recently, I received a phone call from a farm advisor who had concerns regarding the milk fat content in the herd of one of his clients. Cows were producing quite well, averaging 80 lb/day of milk, but the milk fat was hovering near 3.0%. Milk protein app ...
Manure Application to Alfalfa
Dr. Mark Sulc, Forage Specialist, Ohio State University (top of page) Applying manure to alfalfa is becoming increasingly common for a variety of reasons. There are several environmental, agronomic, and management advantages and potential concerns with ap ...
Ohio to Host 2004 Professional Dairy Heifer Growers Association Regional Meeting
Mrs. Dianne Shoemaker, Dairy Extension Specialist, OSU Extension What is a "Professional Dairy Heifer Grower"? Ask the Professional Dairy Heifer Growers Association (PDHGA) and their response will be "Heifer growers dedicated to growing hig ...
Dairy Leaders Honor Ohio's World Championship Industry During June Dairy Month Celebration
Mr. Tim Demland, State Dairy Extension Associate, Ohio State University (top of page) On Tuesday June 1, 2004, the Ohio Dairy Industry Forum (ODIF) kicked off "June Dairy Month" by taking time to acknowledge the dairy industry's significant ...
Manure Science Review
Dr. Maurice Eastridge, Dairy Specialist, Ohio State University The 2004 Manure Science Review will be held in three locations. On Tuesday, August 24, it will be held in Reed Hall on the OSU Lima campus; on Wednesday, August 25, it will be held at the Faye ...
Ohio Dairy Producers Will Be Operating the Dairy Stand at 2004 Ohio State Fair
Mr. Tim Demland, State Dairy Extension Associate, Ohio State University (top of page) The Ohio Dairy Producers (ODP) will begin operating a dairy stand in the Food Pavilion during the 2004 Ohio State Fair that runs from August 4th through the 15th. The ...
Dairy Policy and Milk Marketing
Dr. Cameron Thraen, Milk Marketing Specialist, Ohio State University, Additional milk marketing information by Dr. Thraen He who hesitates is lost and this applies to the milk markets as well! In the March 2004 issue of the Buckeye Dairy News, I titled th ...
Dealing With an Uncommon Feed Market
Dr. Normand St-Pierre, Dairy Management Specialist, Ohio State University I recall just a few months ago when the soybean meal market jumped above $250/ton. I received numerous phone calls and emails requesting help on how to deal "with these obscene ...
Summer Coliform Mastitis,
Dr. Normand St-Pierre, Dairy Management Specialist, Ohio State University (top of page) As I write this column, outside temperatures are well above 80 o F in Ohio and we are just in early May. Is this unusual? Well, considering that the average of our dai ...
Heat Stress- Where Should You Start?
Mrs. Dianne Shoemaker, Dairy Extension Specialist, OSU Extension (top of page) "The highs will be higher and shorter (in duration); the lows will be lower and last longer than the highs." A major cause is consolidation coming at us hard and fast ...