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  1. Agricultural Fertlizer Applicator Certification Program Training

    3-hour fertlizer applicator certification training. This program meets requirements established in legislation Senate Bill 150 that is administered by the Ohio Department of Agriculture. Individuals without a current private pesticide applicator's li ...

  2. Bruce McPheron Accepts Provost Appointment

    After a national search, Ohio State University President Michael V. Drake has named Bruce A. McPheron executive vice president and provost, effective immediately. McPheron previously served as interim provost and, for three years, vice president for agric ...

  3. Testing of Pressure Canner Gauges

    Canning pressure gauges should be checked on a regular basis to assure accuracy. Presto National works cooperatively with local Extension offices across the United States to provide this service. OSU Extension Hancock maintains a "control" gauge ...

  4. Water Bath & Pressure Canning Basics

    Link to informational flyer ...

  5. 2016 OSU CARES Seed Grants

    The OSU CARES program recently announced its 2016 Seed Grant recipients and several Family and Consumer Sciences members were on teams that were awarded seed grants. The grants, announced during the May 3 Patterson Lecture and Outreach and Engagement Foru ...

  6. FDA Announces Changes to Food Labels

    The FDA recently announced new label requirements for the manufacture’s nutrition facts label. The new labels will list added sugar, calories and better serving size information. The revised nutrition facts label for packaged foods will reflect new scient ...

  7. Diabetes Education- Let's Go Shopping

    Eating healthy begins with 'Shopping smart and making healthy food choices! Join Peg and Karen for an overview of grocery store sections and tips for making choices that bring your shopping cart as well as your dinner plate into balance. Tips for how ...

  8. Lonnie King Appointed Acting Dean of CFAES

    Dr. Lonnie J. King has been appointed as acting dean and vice president for agricultural administration for the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) at The Ohio State University. He will assume the roles presently held by Rona ...

  9. Pesticide Recertification & Agriculture Fertilizer Training- Hancock

    Pesticide recertification 9- 11:59 a.m. will cover categories CORE, 1,2,3; Agriculture Fertilizer Certification Training 1:30- 3:30 p.m. (Lunch is on your own!) Fee for training is $35. Preregistration required. Call 419-422-3851 by January 23; License re ...

  10. Best Practices for Retaining Nutrient and Phytonutrient Levels in Local Produce

    Few farmers' market consumers are aware of how to retain optimal nutritional quality of produce following purchase. FCS Field Specialists Dan Remley, Pike County, and Linnette Goard (emeritus), Medina County, plus Program Director Robin Ralston, Rese ...
