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  1. Summer Opportunities for Youth

    Engaging with Insects – Summer Day Camp is back! Young entomologists interested in learning about the little creatures that really rule the world are invited for a week of hands-on experiences with experts from OSU’s Triplehorn Insect Collection and the D ...

  2. Pick STEM Events, Workshops, Professional Development

    Pick STEM Please e-mail,, to submit additional STEM events and programs to increase the STEM experience in Pickaway County.    ...

  3. STEM Fun Day

    There will be a STEM Fun Day held at the OSU Extension Office on Monday April 17, 2017 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  This is open to all 4-H members who are ages 8-18 years old.  The cost for the fun day is $30.00 and includes lunch.  Registration forms and the ...

  4. 2017 4-H Camp

    The 2017 Seneca County 4-H Camp will be taking "The Stage" at Kelleys Island on June 27-30, 2017.  Camp is open to 4-H and non 4-H members who are eight and in the third grade through campers who are 13 years old the first day of camp.  4-H memb ...

  5. Dairy Feeder Weigh In


  6. Julie Fox Guest Editor of Metropolitan Universities Journal

    Julie Fox, Director of Extension in the City and the Central Region of Ohio State University Extension, was guest editor of the latest issue of Metropolitan Universities, Vol. 28.1, "Urban Food Networks." The journal is a publication of the Coal ...

  7. Kick Off


  8. Pickaway Co Skillathon

    Skillathons are Pickaway County’s method of project judging as well as the completion of Quality Assurance certification for all members taking beef, sheep, swine, dairy, goat, rabbit (except pet rabbit), poultry, horse (except Horseless Horse), dogs (exc ...

  9. Pickaway Co Skillathon

    Skillathons are Pickaway County’s method of project judging as well as the completion of Quality Assurance certification for all members taking beef, sheep, swine, dairy, goat, rabbit (except pet rabbit), poultry, horse (except Horseless Horse), dogs (exc ...

  10. The New Urban Crisis by Dr. Richard Florida

    Dr. Richard Florida is the speaker for the Spring 2017 Discovery Themes Lecture about his upcoming book The New Urban Crisis. The lecture takes place on April 19 at Mershon Auditorium on OSU's main campus. The event is free and open to the public. Li ...
