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  1. How to Write an Abstract

    How to Write a Research Abstract "Scientific Abstract" (Key points from presentation by Michelle Hendrick, CFAES and Gamma Sigma Delta Undergraduate Research Workshop 2014) ...

  2. Ohio 4-H Horse Program Recognition Banquet

    Registration Information: Registrations are due by  January,10.  Registrations not received or postmarked by Jan 10 will be charged an additional fee. ABSOLUTELY NO registrations will be taken after Jan 20, 2015. If registration fees are sent in separatle ...

  3. Ohio Beef Cattle School

    Dr. Monique Pairis-Garcia, Assistant Professor, and Dr. Steve Boyles, Professor, both of the OSU Department of Animal Sciences, will discuss “Beef Animal Handling and Facility Design.”  Videos will be used to demonstrate the positive and negative aspects ...

  4. Dog Judges Seminar

    Location: Animal Sciences Building Arenas, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Address: 2029 Fyffe Court, Columbus, Ohio 43210. Registion Information: Registration is $35.00 per person, which includes refreshments, lunch, and resources. Registratio ...

  5. Spring Commencement


  6. ACEL Alumni Board

    Room 205 Ag Admin Bldg An agenda will be forthcoming along with a request of attendance. The major topic of discussion will be the Spring Graduation celebration. ...

  7. ACT Meeting

    Agricultural Administration Room 205 Executive Team to meet at 5pm. ...

  8. 4-H Horse Bowl/ Hippology/ Judging Clinic

      Location: OSU Animal Sciences Bldg.   Address: 2029 Fyffe Ct, Columbus, Ohio 43210. Registration Information: Registration postmarked after Feb 8 will be $10.00. Registration will not be accepted after Feb 15th. Please return with the number of particip ...

  9. Ohio Beef Cattle School

    The primary themes that will be discussed in the 2015 Ohio Beef Cattle School will include “Sustainable Beef Production”, “Beef Animal Handling and Facility Design”, “Manure Management and Fertilizer Application Issues for Beef Producers”, “Future of Anti ...

  10. Ohio Beef Cattle School

    The primary themes that will be discussed in the 2015 Ohio Beef Cattle School will include “Sustainable Beef Production”, “Beef Animal Handling and Facility Design”, “Manure Management and Fertilizer Application Issues for Beef Producers”, “Future of Anti ...
