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PetPALS Preparing Pets
Objectives: To Help Young People Learn the importance of feeding their pets a high quality diet. Understand the importance of grooming their pets prior to visiting. Learn the steps involved in grooming their animals. Recognize signs of sickness in their p ...
PetPALS Diet
The Importance of a High-Quality Diet One expression of the bond fostered between youth and their visiting pets is concern with providing the best available nutrition for their animals. Feeding an appropriate high-quality diet is essential for maintaining ...
PetPALS Benefits
Benefits of becoming a 4-H PetPAL and of Visiting Senior Adults Pets provide socializing effects and help “break the ice” as the youth introduces him or her to a resident. Increase social interaction Improve psychosocial function Increase social competenc ...
2015 Cloverbot Challenge
2015 Cloverbot Challenge- Wonderful Water! The 2015 Cloverbot Challenge is a unique opportunity for Ohio 4-H Cloverbud members to be involved in a 4-H program beyond the club. Gather a team of 2-8 Cloverbud members. Design and construct a model with a mov ...
PetPALS Assess Your Knowledge Answer Key
1. Offensive Threat 2. Startled 3. Friendly 4. Alert 5. Play Bow 6. Stress 7. Submissive 8. Aggressive 9. Defensive 10. Relaxed 11. Passive Submission 12. Active Submission 13. Fearful 14. Offensive Threat 15. Friendly 16. Alert 17. Playful 18. Stress 19. ...
2015 Diversity Leadership Symposium
Theme- Elephants in the Room: The Power of Privilege For more information and to register, visit ...
Super-Berry School
Hosted by Dr. Gary Gao Topics: assessment of winter injury of grape vines elderberry, aronia, goji production pruning demonstrations of grape, blueberry, blackberry, raspberry and elderberry field tour Speakers: Gary Gao, Dave Scurlock, Ryan Slaughter ...
Dairy Judging Clinic
Dairy Judging Clinic
Communiqué March 4, 2015
Contents OSU Extension Leadership Search Begins OSUE Position Description Template OSU Extension County Websites – Upcoming Training Opportunities Ohio Minimum Wage Change was Effective January 1 Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference – Proposals du ...