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Search results

  1. Data Management Basics for Agricultural Data

    Working with agricultural data can lead to a variety of challenges including discipline-specific issues such as: questions about ownership; difficulties in "matching" or aggregating data; and data being linked to land value. This is all in addit ...

  2. Central State University Extension 2018 Minority, Women and Small Farmers Conference

    This informative event is filled with networking, panel discussions, and concurrent sessions that will provide insight on traditional agriculture challenges, urban agriculture opportunities, and barriers facing small and new farmers, women, veterans, soci ...

  3. Weed ID in Garden


  4. Auglaize Cattlemen's Assoc. Mtg.


  5. Ag Breakfast


  6. National ESP Conference

    Conference Theme:  Vast Prairies – Endless Possibilities Visit the ESP website for conference information. Proposals are due March 15 for concurrent sessions, posters, and lightning sessions. There are five tracks: administrative and program skills, leade ...

  7. Live Healthy Live Well team meeting (F2F)

    For more information, contact: Lisa Barlage (; 740-702-3200 Michelle Treber ( 740-474-7534 Sign up for the LHLW blog. Follow LHLW on Facebook. Invite your friends to “like” our Facebook page. ...

  8. Extension Faculty Promotion and Tenure Workshop

    Probationary faculty are encouraged to attend as well as those considering a promotion request in the next few years. Non-faculty educators who may be interested in requesting a faculty position are also encouraged to attend. Lunch and light morning refre ...

  9. Provost's Discovery Themes Lecturer Program: Donna Shalala

    Dr. Shalala's lecture is presented in conjunction with the Community Engagement Conference. While the conference is a paid event, the lecture itself is free and open to the public with required registration. ...

  10. Live Healthy Live Well team meeting (Zoom)

    For more information, contact: Lisa Barlage (; 740-702-3200 Michelle Treber ( 740-474-7534 Sign up for the LHLW blog. Follow LHLW on Facebook. Invite your friends to “like” our Facebook page. ...
