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  1. Seminar: David Bisaro, Professor, Molecular Genetics, Ohio State; 244 Kottman (Columbus) videolinked to 121 Fisher (Wooster)

    Regulation of transcription and translation: Insights from geminivirus pathogenesis ...

  2. Iron

    GENERAL INFORMATION Iron is common in the earth's crust. Iron is often found in water because of the large amount of iron present in the soil, sediment, and bedrock. It is also found in water because corrosive water will pick up iron from pipes. Iron ...

  3. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

    GENERAL INFORMATION Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is an indicator test commonly used to indirectly measure the amount of organic compound pollutants in water. Most applications of COD determine the amount of organic pollutants found in surface water (e.g. ...

  4. Uranium

    GENERAL INFORMATION Most drinking water sources have very low levels of uranium if shallow wells (under oxidizing conditions). Most uranium is naturally occurring, although contamination of drinking water sources from human-made nuclear materials can also ...

  5. Radon

    GENERAL INFORMATION Radon is a gas that has no color, odor, or taste and comes from the natural radioactive breakdown of uranium in the ground. You can be exposed to radon through air and water. Radon is also found in small amounts in outdoor air. Most of ...

  6. Combined radium

    GENERAL INFORMATION Most drinking water sources have very low levels of radioactive contaminants ("radionuclides"), most of which are naturally occurring, although contamination of drinking water sources from human-made nuclear materials can als ...

  7. Beta/photon emitters

    GENERAL INFORMATION Most drinking water sources have very low levels of radioactive contaminants ("radionuclides"), most of which are naturally occurring, although contamination of drinking water sources from human-made nuclear materials can als ...

  8. Alpha emitters

    GENERAL INFORMATION Most drinking water sources have very low levels of radioactive contaminants ("radionuclides"), most of which are naturally occurring, although contamination of drinking water sources from human-made nuclear materials can als ...

  9. Thallium

    GENERAL INFORMATION Thallium is a metal found in natural deposits such as ores containing other elements. The major sources of thallium in drinking water are leaching from ore-processing sites; and discharge from electronics, glass, and drug factories. HE ...

  10. Strontium

    GENERAL INFORMATION Strontium is a naturally occurring element found in rocks, soil, dust, coal, and oil. Naturally occurring strontium is not radioactive and is either referred to as stable strontium or strontium. Strontium in the environment exists in f ...
