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Protecting Teat Skin During Winter
Dr. Joe Hogan, Mammary Health Specialist, The Ohio State University Cold, winter weather usually has harsh effects on unprotected teat skin. A couple of common sense practices can be helpful in preventing teat skin damage and subsequent mastitis. Dr. Leo ...
A New Income Tax Deduction
Mr. Don Breece, Farm Management Specialist, OSU Extension Center at Lima The American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 created a new domestic deduction based on income attributable to domestic production. Qualifying property includes receipts derived from what i ...
Commercial Activity Tax Update
Mr. Don Breece, Farm Management Specialist, OSU Extension Center at Lima Farmers with gross sales of over $150,000 join other commercial businesses subject to a new Ohio tax (and no, it is not a tax on your barn cats!). As result of this years Ohio Budget ...
Tom Noyes, Wayne County Extension Dairy Educator, Has Retired After More Than 30 Years
Mrs. Dianne Shoemaker, Extension Dairy Specialist, OSU Extension Center at Wooster After more than 31 years as the Extension Dairy Agent in Wayne County, Tom Noyes has retired from Ohio State University Extension. Arriving in Ohio, the Rhode Island native ...
New OSU Dairy Resources Brochure Available
Mrs. Dianne Shoemaker, Extension Dairy Specialist, OSU Extension Center at Wooster We're not just "Dairy Science" anymore What resources does Ohio State University Extension offer today's dairy industry? Animal health and well-being, d ...
Collegiate Dairy Judging Team Results for 2005
Mr. Bernie Heisner, Coach and Executive Director of COBA/Select Sires The Ohio State University Dairy Cattle Judging Team of Brian Baird, Kingsville, OH; Dan Sanders, Waynesfield, OH; Stacey Shipley, Newark, OH; and Zach Stammen, New Weston, OH; coached ...
Changes in Appointment for Tim Demland
Mr. Tim Demland, Executive Director of Ohio Dairy Producers On October 13th, the Board of Directors of the Ohio Dairy Producers (ODP) decided to enter into an administrative and operations agreement with the American Dairy Association and Dairy Council ( ...
Ohio 4-H Dairy Judging Team Results
Dr. Maurice Eastridge, Extension Dairy Specialist, The Ohio State University Youth in Ohio competed in two contests in 2005. Allison Stammen (Darke County), Jodi Reutter (Holmes County), Esther Rupp (Wayne County), and Erin Bardall (Harrison County) comp ...
National and Regional 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl Contest Results
Dr. Maurice Eastridge, Extension Dairy Specialist, The Ohio State University Ohio was represented at the Dairy Quiz Bowl Contest held during World Dairy Expo in Madison, WI. The team was from Wayne County and consisted of Sherri Gress, Hayden Gress, Laura ...
Deconstruction of a Speculative Attack on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Class III Futures Contract
Dr. Cameron Thraen, Milk Marketing Specialist, The Ohio State University, Additional milk marketing information by Dr. Thraen After being out on the road Friday, January 6, I returned to the office on Monday, January 9 and in reading my email news letters ...