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Safety Resources
The Department of Public Safety provides many resources for students including trainings, community crime alerts, and safety devices. Please visit their website for current resources. The Ohio State University Department of Public Safety Resources Active ...
Finding Connections on Campus
Finding friends and making connections are an integral part of your collegiate experience. Research has shown that students who feel a strong sense of belonging i.e. feel welcomed, accepted, and valued for who they are, tend to perform better academically ...
Belonging and Connection
There are many ways for students to get connected on campus. Research has shown the importance ot students feeling a sense of belonging as it contributes to academic success, mental health well-being, and retention. Joining a student organization or an in ...
Success Coaching
What is Success Coaching? Coaching is an individual, one-on-one meeting to help students outline their unique goals for success. We discuss topics that make a difference in learning success, and we help students identify resources and people in their su ...
Dr. Leo Taylor, PhD
Dr. Leo Taylor, PhD Program Manager for Faculty and Staff Affairs CFAES Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Transgender issues, LGTBQ+, Allyship development, Empowerment coaching 238 Agricultural Administration 614-247-4940 Dr. ...
Workshop: Inclusive and Equitable Hiring Practices for Search Committees
This 90-minute workshop provides an overview of best practices for recruiting a diverse candidate pool and equitably evaluating them. Participants will examine the role that various forms of bias can play in evaluating applicants and identify factors that ...
Workshop: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack: How Privilege Manifests in Everyday Life
In 1988, American feminist and antiracist activist Peggy McIntosh published an influential essay about what she labeled "white and male privilege." In her essay, McIntosh identified 46 tangible unearned advantages she experiences because of her ...
Inclusive Citations for Researchers Workshop
Inclusive citation practices have been described as “an approach to citing the intellectual and creative work of individuals and groups with a diversity of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Inclusive citations work to counteract dominant power s ...
Inclusive and Equitable Hiring Practices for Search Committees
This 90-minute workshop provides an overview of best practices for recruiting a diverse candidate pool and equitably evaluating them. Participants will examine the role that various forms of bias can play in evaluating candidates and identify factors that ...
Faculty Search Committees
Update: mandatory faculty search committee training replaced by university strategic hiring initiative for faculty talent (SHIFT) In early September 2023 Provost Melissa Gilliam announced Ohio State University's new faculty hiring framework and intro ...