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  1. The Ginkgo- A tree with lots of reasons to recommend it

    If you are thinking about what to plant to replace that large ash tree in your landscape, consider the Ginkgo biloba.  This tree is also known as the maidenhair tree because its leaves closely resemble the leaflets of the maidenhair fern.   It has a fasci ...

  2. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference

    For full details and registration information, please consult ...

  3. Pesticide Recertification & Fertilizer Certification


  4. Agronomy Webinars


  5. West Ohio Agronomy Day


  6. Ag Tax Issues Update

    For further details and registration information, please consult ...

  7. Champaign ANR Stats

    Facts about Champaign County Agriculture: Since the 1950’s, Champaign County has had a modern farming economy. By then we had tractors, herbicides and hybrid corn. As more people moved from the farm,  we required more mechanization to accomplish farm task ...

  8. Strengthening Families over Dinner

    To some it may seem old fashioned, or a thing of the past, but family meals are a proven way to help strengthen families.  Years of research has found that the more children eat dinner with their families, the less likely they were to smoke, drink or use ...

  9. Putting your Garden to Bed for the Winter

    The 2015 garden year is about to begin.  Many folks think of next year’s garden as beginning next spring but, it really should begin in the fall of the previous year for the most success next year.   Here are a few ideas to get ready for next spring: Soil ...

  10. Emotional Cues and Eating

    Do you ever find yourself eating and realize that you don’t even feel hungry or don’t know why you started eating in the first place?  If so, don’t feel guilty; you are not alone.  Recent studies suggest that over 75% of overeating is caused by our emotio ...
